Anna Sayers (W 14) was our first ever Prince Albert Scholar to graduate from Wellington College and went on to complete a Master’s in Physics at Imperial College London and is now working at a Hedge Fund in London. Anna tells us what the PAF programme meant to her and reflects upon where the programme is now, 10 years on.
There is an undeniable enormous gap between state education and the education offered by somewhere like Wellington. Schemes like the Prince Albert Foundation are extremely important for students like me who wanted to work hard and who are ambitious and who perhaps would not get the same opportunities in the place they were currently studying at.
The opportunity that Wellington gave to me 10 years on is still amazing and it’s amazing we are building out this community, the Prince Albert Foundation Community.
There are currently 20 PAF Scholars at Wellington which is starting to become a meaningful proportion of the student population body. I hope these 20 Scholars will have a positive effect on wellbeing and help with the general understanding of a student’s picture of what life is like in the real world.
My experience at Wellington was life transformational. It changed how I view the world and how ambitious and confident I am, and they are important life skills to have.
I’d like to see the PAF Programme continue to offer a Wellington education to as many people as possible (and from many different backgrounds). I really hope people can observe the impact that attending Wellington has had on students lucky enough to be given the opportunity to do so.