Category: Obituaries

Brig. David Creswell (L 60)

24 August 2023

David had a lifelong connection with Wellington College.  He arrived at the Lynedoch via Upcott from Old Ballard in 1955, and over 65 years later was still greatly involved with College. David was invited by Antony Bruce onto the General Committee.  He served for many years, on the Executive and Finance Committee and was elected […]


Andrew “Wilki” Wilkinson, Teacher and HM

24 August 2023

Wilki’s impact at Wellington College was immense. Having served in the parachute regiment before coming to teaching, he taught languages brilliantly, was an inspirational HM of the Raglan, gave so much to the CCF and the Marine Section in particular, as well as being a leading figure within the College’s Christian community, via Open Door […]


Allan Tarver (M 54)

24 August 2023

Commander Allan Tarver GM, naval pilot, was born on June 29, 1938. He died of complications from Parkinson’s disease on March 23, 2023, aged 84. One morning in May 1966, Lieutenant Allan Tarver from 890 Naval Air Squadron was flying his Sea Vixen from the aircraft carrier HMS Ark Royal. They were 100 miles off the coast […]


Jonty Driver, 11th Master

15 August 2023

Few Masters have had such an impact on Wellington College as Jonty Driver. Appointed in 1989 as the Eleventh Master of Wellington, he served the College with distinction until 2000, his Mastership defined by clear and brave decision-making and an unshakable belief in the potential of the school. Many would claim that it was Jonty […]