Hugh Aldridge (Hl 60)

02 January 2025

Hugh began life in India where his father was a colonel in the Army in the Signals Regiment, engaged in breaking Japanese codes. In due course Hugh was sent to Wellington College, where he was a scholar. A contemporary writes of him that he was always very popular, extremely clever and a brilliant sportsman. From Wellington, he went on to Oxford University where he won a half blue for Hockey. 

After Wellington, Hugh attended Worcester College, Oxford, he then moved to Uganda. After a year at Makerere University College, he taught at Kololo Senior Secondary School and at the National Teachers’ College, Kyambogo. 

In 1969, Hugh married Jacquie, they celebrated their golden wedding nearly five years ago. They formed the strongest of partnerships in which Jacquie contributed greatly to Hugh’s career, especially as a Housemaster’s wife. 

He joined The King’s School, Canterbury, in 1970 to teach Physics and went on to do almost everything else as well. He was master in charge of Games (1975-82) and coach of rugby, hockey and cricket, Housemaster of Luxmoore (1983-91) and The Grange (1991-97) and Registrar (1998-2002) in charge of Admissions.  

One abiding image is of Hugh the cricketer. He played for the Canterbury Pilgrims and, especially, the Canterbury Harvesters – the Common Room XI on tour in Dorset. He was an elegant batsman and very good slip fielder, but primarily he was an opening bowler. The beautifully smooth run-up and the seemingly effortless delivery epitomised the man. Calm, no fuss, supremely effective. 

In his Cantuarian valedictory piece, a colleague wrote: “Hugh is a gentleman”. He was indeed. He was hugely respected and will be remembered with gratitude and admiration. 

Hugh died on 1st April 2024 at the age of 82.