Today, 7th November, marks the anniversary of the action in 1914 for which Old Wellingtonian John Franks Vallentin was posthumously awarded the Victoria Cross. John came to Wellington in 1895 and left in 1898. He was in Mr Purnell’s House, now known as the Picton. He was commissioned into the Army in 1899, served in […]
As we approach the centenary of the end of the First World War, I’d like to draw your attention to the events and resources which we have produced to help us understand more about those from Wellington who fought and died. Over the last two years we have developed our First World War Memorial Website, […]
OWs Will Wilson (S 15), Oli Wilson (S 17), Ben Savill (Pn 17), Meg Dennis (Hn 17) and Zara Bilimoria (O 17) are supporting UMRio: In 2013, Robert Malengreau set up UMRio, a non-government organization in the isolated favela of Morro do Castro, located in São Gonçalo, two hours from central Rio, with one of […]